Fertilizer Handbook / Bemestingshandleiding



(includes postage and packaging)

(8ste Hersiene Uitgawe 2016)
Afrikaans version of the Fertilizer Handbook

Fertilizer Handbook


(includes postage and packaging)

(7th Revised Edition 2016)
This is a hard cover handbook that has primarily been written for the use of persons who are involved in some way or another in a fertilizer advisory capacity. It is not intended to be a complete technical handbook, but rather a concise presentation covering a wide range of topics. For this reason, interested farmers and students will also find it to be a useful guide. It is prescribed as part of the agricultural curriculum at some Technikons and Universities in South Africa.

Fertilizer Handbook - Online Version


We now have our popular Fertilizer Handbook available as an online version, although only in English for the time being.