Master Class

Master Class Membership Criteria

The following considerations will be used to identify membership:

Any person currently employed by a Fertasa member or an individual person who has made contributions in the following Fertasa activities:

  • Topical text or editorial input for the Fertilizer Handbook / Bemestingshandleiding or any other Fertasa publication.
  • Presentation or session leader at a Fertasa Conference, Symposium or Workshop.
  • Working group for investigating and reporting on specific topics.
  • Leader for any of the BASOS/FACTS modules or any other Fertasa course.

Send an email to Hermien Wouda ( stating that you want to become part of the Fertasa Master Class. We will then send you more details.

Master Class Topics
  • Beneficial Elements (AL, Co, I, Ni, Na, Se, Si)
  • Phosphites as P-fertilizers
  • Nutrient Use Efficiency – how to evaluate
  • Covid and Beyond
  • Gypsum in South Africa
  • Appropriate Trials