Industry News

April 2024

Press Release

October 2022

Dr Pieter Haumann
CEO, Fertasa
Grain SA’s CEO Dr Pieter Taljaard, stated at the Fertasa Congress held in April 2022, that the only way grain production and especially maize, could continue to be profitably produced in South Africa is when climatic conditions are very favourable, grain prices are high and fertilizer prices are kept under control.
The consecutive bumper agricultural crops over the past four years, with record yields and high grain and other produce prices, were extremely valuable to South Africa’s GDP and helped reaffirm Agriculture and the fertilizer industry, amongst the other agricultural input industries as “essential” services. The concern of Grain SA, however, is that the massive increase in fertilizer prices currently experienced will render this essential industry unprofitable.
Fertilizer comprises approximately 30 to 40 % and higher of the input costs in maize production according to Grain SA.
This emphasises the importance of ensuring the efficient and effective usage of fertilizer, especially with the current exorbitant prices for this essential input. Grain SA has requested that Fertasa and its members should urgently evaluate the current situation and make appropriate recommendations.
This was done during and after the Post Fertasa Symposium Workshop held on the 25th of August 2022.

Press Release

May 2022

New Chair and Vice-Chair elected for Fertasa Board of Directors

It is a pleasure to announce that Tom Mason, Metson World, has been elected as Chairperson of the board for Fertasa


and Mark Hawksworth, Sasol Chemicals, has been elected as Vice-Chair of the Board for Fertasa.


We wish them both success with the positions that they have been elected to.

Dr Pieter Haumann
CEO, Fertasa

December 2023

Fertasa’s CEO, Dr Pieter Haumann, was interviewed by Plaas Media on the subject, “Can agriculture afford to lose Boron as a Micro-Element”.

Press Release

September 2022

Dr Pieter Haumann
CEO, Fertasa
Fertilizer use efficiency was once more the topic of the FERTASA SOIL FERTILITY & PLANT NUTRITION SYMPOSIUM 2022.  The focus in the 2022 symposium was on:
This highly successful symposium and post symposium workshop was held on the 24th and 25th of August. The symposium presentations and discussions were conducted virtually via Zoom Video Communication whilst the workshop was held live once more at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria.

The Fertilizer Association of Southern Africa strives to:

  • Promote agri-economic and environmentally accountable fertilizer and aglime application practices. (Stewardship)
  • Provide a discussion forum for its members and other parties on all aspects relating to fertilizer and aglime agronomic advice and product quality.
  • Assimilate, add value to and disseminate fertilizer and aglime-related information.

The Fertasa code of conduct furthermore requires that its members should promote manufacturing, crop production and product application practices with due concern for human health and the environment.