New Scientific Insights

A new placement is on “Regenerative Agriculture”

This was submitted by Justin Platt of Zylem and RegenZ. He had the following to say when submitting this information on the SAI Platforms Regenerating Together Programme.

SAI Platform Regenerating Together

SAI Platform Regenerating Together Method Paper

Please read this and submit any comments or opinions regarding this approach.

Placed 25 June 2024

Comments by end August 2024


To All Members of Fertasa – Articles Received by Fertasa

Fertasa receives Scientific Articles from a number of sources: identified, volunteered and commissioned.

In order to make Fertasa members aware of these, and to give them the opportunity to comment, suggest additions, and possible alterations where applicable, the Editorial Committee has decided to place them under “New Scientific Insights” on the Fertasa Website.

These contributions will be available for comment for two months. Thereafter they will be placed under:

  • “General Scientific Articles”
  • “Fertilizer Handbook Updates”

It is especially important that these articles must meet the needs of Members in being inclusive, objective and scientific.

Your inputs are therefore considered extremely important.

All correspondence in this regard should be sent to and please Cc

We look forward to hearing from you.


White Paper: Recent Insights into the Mode of Action of Seaweed-Based Plant Biostimulants

This White Paper was released by the European Biostimulants Industry Council (EBIC) for public distribution on 16 January 2023. It makes for interesting reading and will hopefully contribute to the ongoing debate on this subject.

Placed: 30 August 2023

Comments by 27 October 2023

Pecan Nuts

The attached article on Pecan Nuts is a comprehensive revamp of the current chapter in the Fertilizer Handbook (5.8.2) kindly provided by Dr Chris Schmidt.

This article has been moved to Fertilizer Handbook Updates – 8 August 2023


Smart Soil Sampling

The above article, prepared by the late Dr Arrie van Vuuren, focusses on a number of different soil conditions and management practices. Initial comment suggests that it could be adapted to address specific situations; with these included in different sections of the Fertilizer Handbook.

Your opinion on where this could be the most effective is awaited. Comments are welcome until 29 September 2023.



This topic, with its opportunities and challenges, does not currently feature in the Fertilizer Handbook. The section on Seaweeds, compiled by Tom Mason has been moved to Fertilizer Handbook Updates.

Other topics are planned for inclusion in this category.


Humic and Fulvic Acids

This article has been temporarily removed.


The Inclusion of Phytohormones within Biostimulants

Note: The above document has been prepared by Martin Botha for providing clarity among industry and regulatory officials on realistic, rational, scientific registration requirements for products in the emerging Biostimulant market. Comments will be appreciated. Currently being discussed by the Regulatory Committee.


Role of Phosphite in Plant Growth and Development

General Article: This article has been moved to our Article page.